Internship Program

The Internship Program typically lasts ten to twelve weeks throughout the summer, with the possibility of extension, dependent on business needs. We believe in giving value back to our interns and we provide a meaningful learning experience on which you can build your career. MEMS provides meaningful internship opportunities to students in the following areas:

Accounting   |   Credit and Confirmations   |   Energy Trading (Power, Oil, Natural Gas)

Human Resources   |   LNG (Commercial and Operations)   |   Settlements

In addition to networking, we offer the following opportunities:

Learning Sessions
Learn about other company functions through our weekly Learning Sessions. From Accounting to Engineering—we’ve got you covered!

New Hire Panel Discussion
Wondering what it’s like to work at Mitsui? Looking for insight from former interns and new hires? Our new hire panel provides just the guidance you’re looking for.

Meet the CEO
In one of our more popular sessions, our interns are able to meet and hear from our CEO and CFO, followed by a Q&A session.

Intern Presentations
Showcase all your work at the end of the internship through a presentation to all managers. It’s your time to shine!

Intern Spotlight Video

Our interns talk about their internship experience, what they have learned, how they have benefited from the internship program, and their plans for the future.

Intern Testimonials

I learned a lot about the various aspects of Human Resources, and all the work that goes into hiring, searching for new talent and onboarding. And I will carry this information with me as I pursue a career in HR

Brandon Galicia

HRGA Intern 2022

It’s been a great experience to be able to learn from LNG experts and understand how they think and analyze. I also learned how important it is to do your own research and presenting a plan to your manager and how to execute it.

Angie Guevara

LNG Operations Assistant (former LNG Commercial Intern 2022)

During my internship, I learned that having a great attitude and truly committing yourself to doing your job to the best of your ability is something that will be noticed by those around you. My most memorable experience is when we had lunch with everyone in the risk department, which allowed me to get to know everyone well.

Carson Havard

Risk Intern 2022